Monday, December 15, 2008

Guru into Makara rashi - what does it mean?

It means entirely different things to different people.

In the most general terms, Guru enters an astrologically "neechcha" or "debilitated" condition in the rashi (sign) of Makara (Capricorn).

Why does Guru obtain "neechcha" status in Makara rashi? Because in Makara rashi, Guru the spiritual teacher gets trapped in Shani's land of Material Realism. Brihaspati's message of all-inclusive cosmic compassion is constrained and even falsified by Shani's "common sense" view that real power is, at bedrock, material power. (cf. Thrasymachus in Plato's Republic.) In Shani's world, Guru looks and acts like a pious, posturing fraud.

Guru is the expansive, inclusive Father-Teacher-Guide who preaches Acceptance of All Things. Guru doesn't have or need categories of 'proper' and 'improper', 'moral' or 'immoral'. In Guru's world, "it's all good." Yet in Shani's land, 'good' is the natural opposite of 'bad'. The concept of 'all-good' seems superficially cheerful, unrealistic, and just plain wrong.

From Brihas-pati's perspective, there is no need to discriminate between saint and sinner, criminal and victim, deity and devil. All phenomena (dharma) are equal in status and value as creations of Divine Intelligence.

But in Shani's territory, life is sharply divided into opposites: up-and-down, black-and-white, right-and-wrong, life-and-death. Oppositions and negations form the Structure of Reality under Shani's influence.

Imagine what happens when "All-One" Brihaspati, the Santa Claus of the solar system, enters Shani's Land of Opposites? There is so much "incommensurability" between Guru's wisdom and Shani's realism that neither approach can win. The human brain is programmed with fierce survival-driven instincts to discriminate between opposites. Earth's environment contains many dangers which punish poor discrimination with a painful death .

In Shani's terrain, Guru's "it's all OK, all the time" message is naturally met with disdain, disbelief, and even anger. Yet the human is also programmed with a [divine] capacity for trust and belief. Often the source of the disdain is that conflict in human nature between the desire to believe, but the fear-driven inability to really "let go and let God".

Shani's job is to operate a stable human society, by enforcing rules, reducing risk and minimizing change.

Shani is about the Letter of the Law. Guru is about the Spirit of the Law. (Guru is actually the Great Law Giver.) The letter of the law can certainly accommodate the spirit of the law, and vice versa. Shani and Guru are not fierce enemies. Yet each is distinctively constrained in the other's signs.

In Shani's organized society, Ju-Piter, the Father (piter) of the Gods (Ju-Zeus) and His spiritual business is accommodated in designated places where the spirit of the law is discussed. These places are the temples, universities, houses of philosophy & centers of worship in every religious tradition. However Shani does not wish for Guru's influence to exceed these carefully managed boundaries.

Outside the designated 'Guru-zones' , the Law-and-Order graha Shani rules with an iron fist. (Shani = Iron.) Shani is all about social control, social safety, survival of the species, and the Rule of Law. Shani's viewpoint is discriminatory, pragmatic, and fear-driven. Shani keeps us safe from the forces of evil, safe from the threat of change, and safe from the wildly unpredictable consequences of true faith.

When Guru trespasses into Shani's own signs, Shani's two henchmen - fear of life and fear of death - strip Guru of His credibility and His power to inspire.

Shani is the Law of Earth, including the laws of physics and the laws of human society. Shani is all about crime and punishment, social approval, hierarchies, pecking orders, distribution of food and military protection ... Shani rules all social control mechanisms, and He is organized!

Guru the all-inclusive wisdom-deity enters the rashi of Shani, and Brihaspati becomes a temporary visitor in a rather inhospitable land. Lord Guru is unable to fully express His perfect faith under Shani's regime of skepticism, realism, atheism, and fear. In Shani's world of law and order, check and balance, crime and punishment, right and wrong, have and have-not, great Brihaspati's "it's all Good" preaching falls on deaf ears. Shani needs this to be so, in order that Guru's influence does not spread where it does not belong.

Shani's world is oriented to physical survival, social organization, and mental realism. Shani does have a spiritual dimension, but Shani's spiritual perceptions are more focused on the awesome structural beauty of the Great Design. (Exalted Shani in Thula rashi rules social justice & architecture.) At rare levels of spiritual perfection, Shani represents the breathtaking Order of the Universe.

Guru's abundant, expansive personality is cramped during His once-every-twelve years journey through the rashi of Makara. In the land of Rules, restrictions, barriers, limitations, delays, and survival fears, Guru's message of faith-not-works and all-you-need-is-love sounds misleading, immature, trivial, and naive.

Guru in His transit through Makara is perceived as a fraudulent preacher; a charlatan; and a poseur. His words are not believed by those with no ears to hear.

In Shani's lands, Brihaspati appears to be using His message of faith and trust in Divine Guidance as deceptive camouflage for His "real" (Shani-defined) intention: to achieve the ultimate safe position, at the top of the social hierarchy.

In realistic, materialistic Makara rashi, Guru's purported religious truth suffers a lack of credibility. The native with uncompensated Guru in Makara rashi in any varga is perceived as over-confident, unrealistic, & presumptuous.

This native makes pious displays of faith which are understood or suspected to be mere cover-ups -- only a veneer upon one's underlying materialism. Faith is insincere or ineffective due to a fundamental positivistic materialism.

The Guru-in-Makara native may engage in convenient religious posturing, appearing as a great church-goer and pontificating moralist. By word, he is a well-wisher to all. Yet in his relationships, this one prefers the rich and well-positioned. The native supports a worthy cause - if important people will be at the fundraising party. He gives a charitable donation, if it buys him an income tax discount. In a word, his materialism creates a none-too-subtle hypocrisy. The hypocrisy leads to discreditation and disgrace.

The native is typically unaware (or in denial) about the depth of one's own religious falsity and corruption. He is not disturbed by his lack of true faith, because he does not miss something he has never known. He may preach upon "common sense" or "Just War" or "God's Will to punish, enslave, and annihilate those who are Different From Us." Indeed, Guru in Makara is karaka for a false religious teacher.

In neechcha bhanga condition, which is even stronger than exaltation, Guru in Makara gives extraordinary power. The native becomes a social hierarchical leader with a tremendous capacity to maintain order while moving large belief system toward a Higher Good. (Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth II have neechcha bhanga Guru/Makara in positional strength, in radix lagna.)

How will the transit of Brihaspati through Maraka rashi affect Me?

During Guru's one-year transit through Makara, look to the house in your Jyotisha nativity through which Guru is moving. Unless Brihaspati's neechcha qualities would be canceled in this temporary home for Guru (for example if the house being transited by Guru is a kendra and is occupied by uchcha Mangala) , it would be wise to expect that matters of the affected house will be visited by some effect of over-confidence or false belief. It may manifest as fraudulence through mixing materialism with spiritual faith, through false religion, or through overly simplistic, unrealistic beliefs held by you, or attempts to impose those beliefs upon you by manipulative Others.

For example if the neechcha Guru transits one's navamsha lagna, expect to find oneself behaving a bit piously in intimate relationships; taking the moral high road as a way of escaping emotional accountability in marriage, or otherwise posturing instead of deepening true faith in the partnership.

If neechcha Brihaspati is traveling through one's fourth rashi domain, the educational credentialing and property-entitlement mechanisms of one's own society will produce false teachers or corrupt beliefs for about a year. Worst effects come from Guru transit through Makara rashi in dharma bhava, where the human spiritual teacher may lose credibility through his/her overconfident claims or actions.

Of course, other graha in the house, drishti, and divisional charts should always be considered. And most importantly, the full effect of any transit are felt ONLY if the transiting graha is also lord of the current bhukti.

In the nativities of those with neechcha Guru in kendra (such as Queen Elizabeth II and Barack Obama) there will be plenty of interaction with fraudulent religion (such as the demonic forces of terrorism hiding behind the beautiful religion of Islam). Yet when neechcha Guru gets bhanga (liberation, "unbungled") the native is empowered to bring out the best in traditional belief systems.

Despite the reality that the world's largest traditional belief systems form a convenient hiding place for some poisonously evil and corrupt people, the native with neechcha bhanga Guru in kendra will be able to preserve the social dignity of the religion while rooting out the evil-doers.

I predict that a war of true vs. false religions, specifically the true religion of compassion vs. the false religion of jealousy and hatred, is ramping up now in these early days of Guru's transit through Makara. There will be some show-downs, and many will try to "throw out the baby with the bathwater", claiming that the entire religious tradition must be discredited because some of its priests and preachers are terribly ignorant and causing serious planetary harm.

These priests of material power have become agents of hateful destruction in the same way as their evil tyrannical predecessors (Hitler, Stalin, etc.) They have been traumatized by generations of child-abuse in their native lands. They have been made to hate their bodies & their souls. They are programmed now to ravage, mutilate, murder, and destroy. They work like all demons, under cover of Religion.

Luckily, there are some gifted leaders with discrimination who are possessed of true faith. These leaders will guide the world along a dark but secure path, for the year of Brihaspati's travel though Shani's grim world of crimes and punishments.

ingress and egress of transiting Brihaspati


calculated by Das Gorvani's Jyotisha software "Jyotish Studio 3"

Name of Rashi


Date of Entry into Rashi

Date of Exit from Rashi


Gochara Brihaspati enters Makara rashi

from the British National Space Centre (BNSC) ~~
  • Distance from the Sun: Varies between 740 - 817 million km
  • Satellites: 63 known including Io, Ganymede, Europa and Callisto
The largest object in our Solar System... More than a thousand Earths would fit inside it and Jupiter has moons larger than planets. It is also home to storms that have raged for hundreds of years. ... This enormous orange gas giant is made up of 90 per cent hydrogen.

...Although it takes 12 years to orbit the Sun, Jupiter only has a ten hour day. As a result, the planet rotates so fast that it produces violent winds, bulges 9,000 km at its equator and stretches the striped white clouds of ammonia ice. Its distinctive Red Spot is a 40,000 km storm system and could swallow the entire Earth." ~~