Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Changing Default Karma: The Big Secret


Respected Madam, Namaskar.

After reading all the knowledge of your writings, I have observed very closely that you have focused much in changing how one thinks and acts to shape the destiny. The planetary arrangements in charts and D-charts are stored events and thoughts meant to be fixed in lifetime.

My question is

how can one change his/her destiny by mere changing one's thoughts? For example, how is it possible for one to achieve materialistic gains by one's thoughts? Is it simply psychological approach of healing or one's thoughts changes planetary effects also?

Shri Deepak Chopra follows such approach, through Ayurveda. Several learned astrolgers, have focused similarly in changing the thoughts and behaviour patterns in improving one's destiny.

Best Regards, Jai Ganesha.


Yes that is the big "secret".

Stored thoughts will act on their own programming through the motive force (momentum) of Karma. However human beings in partnership with the Divine are hugely blessed with the power to directly change the content of our thoughts.

Changing the thoughts, which are essentially the "program code" which directs the scripted narrative of the incarnation, can result in changed material experience.

Obstacles to changing one's Jyotisha destiny: doubt and negative attachment

There are two obstacles to changing the thoughts. The first is lack of faith ( = doubt), the second is ego attachment to the victim experience. Most people find, after working seriously upon the task of changing one or two life-definitive expectations, that it is quite difficult to change only one thought, because all of one's thoughts are subtly interconnected.

However, there is still much benefit to be gained not so much by completely eradicating a seed-thought (bija) but by increasing the virtuous qualities of the thought.

E.g., one can transform the poverty and slavery qualities of a severely oppressed Shani condition in the Jyotisha chart, into a lifetime of spiritual service with exceptional spiritual rewards (see the Jyotisha nativity of Mother Teresa of Kolkata, esp her awful karma of neechcha Shani + Chandra in Ari bhava).

Huge changes usually not needed

Most people find that, with some minor adjustments, the incarnation as originally configured is really OK. After eliminating guilt, grief, and the negative vibes or projected opinions of other people who are stuck in their own bitter negativity, most normal people truly do like themselves and their life situation, and most of the "default" thoughts are found to be really quite fine.

Unless one is a massively miserable fountain of vicious negativity (very rare), it's generally OK to let 90% of one's thoughts run on the default program.

Other People's Negativity - Housecleaning!

A large proportion of one's own perceived negative attachment is not deep attachment at all. It is one's hospitable willingness to host the projected negativities of others - such as, one's mother's unexpressed anger, one's father grief at a failed career, or some other business which is rather 'hitchhiking' on one's own psyche.

Unwanted Guests

After these unwanted psychic guests are cleared out, one can attend to one's own authentic programming - and that is serious work - but the amount of one's own authentic work is usually much smaller than originally felt when one was mixing up the projected toxicity of others that one has graciously agreed to "carry" with one's own true karma.

The task of improving the remaining 10% is quite demanding however, since the core "problems" tend to be rooted in negative expectations to which the ego is deeply attached. To release negative attachment to anger, rage, blaming, anxiety, guilt, etc. is to threaten the ego structure.

Avoid "becoming unglued"

To preserve basic social functionality, it is not a good idea to de-stabilized the ego structure, unless one has first established a supporting partnership with the Divine. Avowed Partnership with Divine means undertaking a profound and unshakable commitment to live in a state of faith. This partnership which provides a new, replacement "glue" of faith is essential to health during the ego-transformative process.

When the ego starts to crack up and break down as the "glue" of negative attachment starts to weaken, the native then can inject a substitute glue into the cracks and continue to function socially in the world of human law, surrounded by fear-driven people, and still continue working and communicating without "becoming unglued".

So the good news is that all negative attachment, including but not limited to the negativities seen in the Jyotisha charts, can be resolved by directly altering the thoughts which produce the material downstream. The bad news is that no one can do this work alone without risk of catastrophic ego breakdown.


The best support is individual faith in the divine, and a strongly recommended additional level of support is the 'sangha' or community of the faithful, who can step in to help the native when one is enduring an identity loss caused by release of negative thoughts.

Most of the great religions have systems in place to reinforce individual faith while also keeping individuals of a spiritual nature in touch with each other, so that everyone stays mentally healthy.

"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind"

The best book I can recommend in practical modern English which describes in clear and plain language just exactly how to release negative expectations and replace these seed-thoughts with positive faith (I.e., how to create miracles) is "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy, Ph.D. (1966).

I very much recommend this book. In the US it sells for about $6 and many public libraries have a well-read copy. If you can find a copy of this book, you will own the basic instructions for creating precisely the life you want.

Why is something so simple such a "big secret"?

Be forewarned -- that this information is "secret" not because it is forbidden, but because so few people can understand it. It is extremely simple, and yet our material-survival-scarcity-fear programming which is based the reptile brain is so powerful that most folks simply cannot accept that simple faith in the divine could possibly solve even small problems, let alone the larger, "high-stakes" problems of life.

Yet, for those who are ready to hear the message (perhaps because they have tried the common human methods of hard work, anger, and guilt -- and failed), this is the big "secret".

Change the source, change the downstream

Deepak Chopra M.D., B.V. Raman Jyotishi, most reflective physicians, astrologers, true priests, mystical philosophers, will all recommend the method of changing the originating thoughts in order to change the downstream material experience.

As Trulshig Rinpoche says, That's the way it works!

All the best,

Barbara Pijan Lama, Jyotisha
